Chippewa Falls Youth Football
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Weather Policy

CFYF practices and games will be held during events of rain or snow as happens during our season. If the amount of precipitation creates a safety risk CFYF will use caution and may delay, suspend or cancel the practices or games. This information will be communicated in the most timely manner possible. Please ensure that your player has the proper clothing to participate in various weather conditions.

In the event that a lightning strike occurs there will be an automatic 30 minute suspension of activity from the last heard thunder. All must leave the playing surface and seek the nearest safe shelter area. Each clap of thunder will reset the 30 minute clock. In the event during game play that the delay lasts longer than one hour a conference will be held to determine if the game will be rescheduled, ended at point of delay or canceled. If the storm subsides, CFYF officials will announce when play can safely resume.